Sergio Garcia's private jet

Thanks to a reader for pointing out that N55LC, previously owned by hardware giant Lowe's Companies is undergoing an N Number change with the FAA to N901SG as it is now operated by professional golfer Sergio García Fernández.

The above photo on shows that the tail of the aircraft does bearing Sergio's logo. The plane is still operating as N55LC and you can track it to any recent golf tournament from LIV events or majors that Sergio qualified for. It appears that Sergio may have taken ownership in late 2023 with a flight to Spain from Texas. On January 1 2024, the plane flew from Austin, TX to New Orleans, LA for the Sugar Bowl which lines up with Sergio's instagram post.
The 3-engine Dassault Falcon FA7X is capable of flying 5,950 nautical miles and has flown to all the international LIV events including Jeddah, Hong Kong, and Adelaide.

At the time of writing, the plane is currently at Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport and has been there since July 31st. It was last seen near one of West Star Aviation's hangars. Coincidentally, Rory McIlroy's airplane N585RM is also there and has been since August 14th.
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