RadarAtlas is now open source

Hello (err....goodbye!) . It has been a long time since I've written a post on this site. I'm writing today to annouce that RadarAtlas chrome extension is now open source. I have reached an inflection point in my life. Ultimately, I've decided that focusing on other projects is a better use of time and energy.
RadarAtlas started under a different project name in 2020 (RadarSpots, I think?). Features were devised and ultimately implemented, and then before I knew it 4 whole years had come and gone.
Throughout this time, I have enjoyed the community and conversation that have come out of creating and updating that extension, blog, and related twitter account. Looking back on this time, I will always cherish the editorialization, blog posting & tweeting, and implementation of features that I hope you also have enjoyed.
The extension itself is free for you to install it to your chrome/firefox/other browsers by following the installation links in the readme here: https://github.com/radaratlashelp/RadarAtlas/blob/main/readme.md
This is my first time ever open sourcing a project. This was also my first ever chrome extension that I've ever developed. Since then, I've conceived other ideas and implemented them. I'm excited to see what the world is able to do with this extension in the future! Do make note that I am not a profressional software developer and as such, my code has never been top tier. I accept that and I hope you do too. You're now free to make it better on your local instance however you see fit!
For questions now or in the future, feel free to email me at radaratlashelp@gmail.com (though don't expect an immediate response).
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